Category Archives: Two

5-minute Professor: Andrew Sobiesuo

Enjoy our informal Q&A with Andrew Sobiesuo, associate provost for international education of the College’s Center for International Education. Sobiesuo’s leadership inspired more than 600 students to study abroad this year and explore more than 25 countries across the globe. Q:  What is the Center for International Education? A: The Center for International Education was […]

Category: Two

5-minute Professor: Chris Starr

Check out our informal Q&A with Chris Starr, director and associate professor of the College’s cutting-edge Computer Science program.  Starr has grown the program to be one of the best in the country forging relationships with industry leaders like Google. Q:  What role does the College of Charleston play in your life? A:  A big […]

Category: Two

5-minute Professor: Linda Gradstein

We’ve got an informal Q&A with Linda Gradstein, the inaugural Norman and Gerry Sue Arnold Distinguished Visiting Chair in Jewish Studies.  Gradstein is teaching, “ Covering Conflict the Middle East” and “Women in Israel and Palestine” on campus this Fall: Gradstein is a journalist who reports for Public Radio International’s The World, AOL News and […]

Category: Two